1 | | - | |
| 1 | + | ⚠️ The rules are currently only translated and have not been cross-checked with the German rules. ⚠️
| 2 | + |
| 3 | + | # General
| 4 | + | 1. Respect and Politeness
| 5 | + | - Treat all players with respect. Insults, harassment, or discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.
| 6 | + | - Use appropriate language in the chat.
| 7 | + | 2. Fair Play
| 8 | + | - Do not use cheats, hacks, or exploits to gain an unfair advantage.
| 9 | + | - Report any bugs or exploits to the admins instead of exploiting them.
| 10 | + | - Respect the game mechanics and rules to enhance the gaming experience for everyone.
| 11 | + | 3. Deception of other players is prohibited.
| 12 | + | - If you approach with friendly behavior, you must back off before changing your behavior, and the other party must be warned with an aggressive call.
| 13 | + |
| 14 | + | # Hunting and Combat Rules
| 15 | + | 1. The Trampling Clause
| 16 | + | - In groups with many small dinosaurs, trampling dinos like Tacos and others does not count as a body-down.
| 17 | + | - Fighting can continue until an animal is actively killed through combat.
| 18 | + | 2. The Codex of Catata
| 19 | + | - If you have already attacked a group once and a member of the attacked group moves far away to farm (out of sight from the group, e.g., from Crater Pond to Honey Tree Flatlands), this individual dino can be attacked as they can no longer be clearly identified as part of a group. In short, stay with your herd/pack.
| 20 | + | 3. Players in the comfort zone can be attacked regardless of the body-down rule.
| 21 | + | - Charging players can be attacked immediately.
| 22 | + | - After multiple (at least 3) warnings with 3-calls or aggressive behavior, an attack is allowed.
| 23 | + | 5. Avoid clipping/collision issues with the game world during a fight.
| 24 | + | - We deliberately use the word *avoid* as it can happen in the heat of battle, or the terrain may not offer any other option.
| 25 | + | - Especially if someone points it out in the chat, you should respond accordingly.
| 26 | + | 6. For agreed-upon fights between two parties, the rules can be ignored, and new rules can be established, provided:
| 27 | + | - Both parties have agreed.
| 28 | + | - No third party is affected.
| 29 | + |
| 30 | + | ## Requirements
| 31 | + | 1. A hunt may only begin at a hunger level of >= 35% (or <= 65% stomach fullness [^1]).
| 32 | + | 2. There must be no **unclaimed** player body in sight (body-down rule).
| 33 | + | - If all player bodies in sight are claimed, hunting or contesting is allowed.
| 34 | + | - Hidden bodies, e.g., in bushes or behind rocks, do not count as *in sight*.
| 35 | + | - For sub-/aquatics, player bodies near the shore (approx. 5m) or in the water count.
| 36 | + | 3. Immediately after a fight, no new hunt may be started near the fallen body.
| 37 | + |
| 38 | + | ## Execution
| 39 | + | 1. The hunt is considered over when one of the following points occurs:
| 40 | + | - **One** dino dies.
| 41 | + | - The line of sight is broken, and the parties are no longer in close proximity.
| 42 | + | - The fight timer runs out.
| 43 | + | - The attacker gives up the hunt.
| 44 | + | 2. The losers of the fight must retreat and visibly move away.
| 45 | + | - A bleeding effect may be healed by lying down before retreating.
| 46 | + | - Losers may not contest the fallen body.
| 47 | + | 3. Escaping to water is prohibited if there is a risk of drowning or bleeding out.
| 48 | + | - Sub-/aquatics are exempt.
| 49 | + |
| 50 | + | ### Intervention
| 51 | + | 1. Sub-/aquatics may intervene in hunts if:
| 52 | + | - An animal flees into the water.
| 53 | + | - Or the fight takes place near the shore (5m/strike distance).
| 54 | + | 2. Sub-/aquatics may attack other water animals if they move their fight into the water and their opponent is not also a sub-/aquatic.
| 55 | + | - Exceptions are the start of a fight with an immediate shift into the water (e.g., grabbing prey and pulling it into the water).
| 56 | + | 3. Hero Rule
| 57 | + | - If, as adult dinos, you see a **related** juvi being hunted during migration, you have the option to intervene and save them. But you take responsibility for the juvenile and must raise it in your group.
| 58 | + |
| 59 | + | ## Body Contest
| 60 | + | 1. A 3-call challenges the body owner to a fight.
| 61 | + | - The body owner responds with a 3-call or retreats.
| 62 | + | - If there is no response after multiple 3-calls, an attack is allowed (continue the deadline), or the body is considered surrendered (AFK, no movement, etc.).
| 63 | + | 2. Once a body is considered surrendered, the former owner may not start a contest.
| 64 | + | 3. In the event of death due to combat, a body may be chosen.
| 65 | + | 4. Losers or former body owners must move away.
| 66 | + |
| 67 | + | # Carnivores
| 68 | + | 1. Tiny predators may be tolerated at the food.
| 69 | + | - Tiny predators are Ramphos and Compis.
| 70 | + | - Shoo away with a 3-call if food is scarce.
| 71 | + | 2. Apexes are encouraged to reduce the number of other apexes if competition becomes too high. A maximum of 2 apex pairs may tolerate each other within sight.
| 72 | + | 3. Apexes may also have Deinonychus and Latens as scavengers along with Compis and Ramphos.
| 73 | + | 4. Subaquatics and aquatics may mix pack with Ramphorynchus.
| 74 | + | 5. Cuckoo Clause
| 75 | + | - Raising dinos to adulthood is allowed for the following species.
| 76 | + | - Rexes ➡️ Daspletos
| 77 | + | - Spinos ➡️ Carchars
| 78 | + | - Gigas ➡️ Allos
| 79 | + | 6. All water predators must drive competing groups out of too small bodies of water (e.g., Crater Pond) as the space is insufficient.
| 80 | + | - Competing animals around a pond may be attacked even without hunger.
| 81 | + | 7. Carnivores may take animals from adolescence on hunts, juvis must be kept out.
| 82 | + | - If a juvi is killed, it counts as a body-down; the death of the juvenile is punishment enough.
| 83 | + |
| 84 | + | # Herbivores
| 85 | + | 1. Herbivores may not claim or defend a body.
| 86 | + | - Both AI and player bodies must always be surrendered to carnivores.
| 87 | + | 2. The comfort zone rule (hunting and combat rules) and the associated defensive stance also apply to herbivores.
| 88 | + | 3. Herbivores must stop any attack if the opponent clearly surrenders and retreats. The opponent must be allowed to heal bleedings. If someone is killed by a herbivore, it must be proven that they were pursued an unreasonably long distance.
| 89 | + | 4. Food sources may be defended if there is hunger.
| 90 | + |
| 91 | + | # Combat Arena
| 92 | + | All PvP fights, including fight nights and court battles, are held in the stone circle on Sanctuary Isle.
| 93 | + | With the chat command `!fight`, you can reach the arena without paying for it.
| 94 | + |
| 95 | + | 1. The arena may not be left until the fight is over.
| 96 | + | 2. Spectators may attack the fugitive if they leave the arena during the fight.
| 97 | + | - The fugitive may only defend themselves but not actively attack spectators.
| 98 | + | - Spectators attack at their own risk.
| 99 | + | 3. In the case of group fights, last-man-standing or rather last-group-standing applies.
| 100 | + |
| 101 | + | ## Court Battles
| 102 | + | It may sound old-fashioned, but all interpersonal disputes that are not covered by the rules, such as personal quarrels, are settled through court battles. The participants are placed in the stone circle. The winner is right. In short, before you insult each other, hit each other virtually and let the gods decide... may Rap-Thor be with you. 🌩️
| 103 | + |
| 104 | + | ## PvP Duels
| 105 | + | Of course, the ring is also available for free dueling during the week. Here, players can train combat, introduce friends to the combat system, or simply have fun. The rule here is, first come, first serve. Coordinate with each other and be social.
| 106 | + |
| 107 | + | # PVE Zone
| 108 | + | 1. The following areas are considered *PVE zones*:
| 109 | + | - ⛰️ Hunter's Thicket
| 110 | + | - ⛰️ Ocean Pillars
| 111 | + | - ⛰️ Snake Gully
| 112 | + | - ⛰️ Rockfall Hill
| 113 | + | - ⛰️ Rainbow Hills
| 114 | + | - 💧⛰️ Mud Flats
| 115 | + | - 💧 Lonely Isel
| 116 | + | - 💧 Castaway Isle
| 117 | + | - 💧 Golden Kelp
| 118 | + | 2. Players may not be hunted.
| 119 | + | 3. Only juvis and juveniles may stay in PvE zones. Extended stay as an adolescent is not punishable and is not a support issue, but admins may ask you to leave the area.
| 120 | + |
| 121 | + | Body / Body-Down
| 122 | + | : A dead player body. (AI bodies are not included)
| 123 | + |
| 124 | + | Body Contest
| 125 | + | : Contesting a dead player body from a body owner.
| 126 | + |
| 127 | + | Body Owner
| 128 | + | : A player who claims a body.
| 129 | + |
| 130 | + | Comfort Zone
| 131 | + | : The comfort zone corresponds to a circle/ellipse with the length of your dino on all sides as a distance. [^2]
| 132 | + | If a foreign dino is in this zone, a defensive/aggressive stance can be taken.
| 133 | + |
| 134 | + | [^1]: 
| 135 | + | [^2]:  |